According to an FBI report, female DUI arrests have risen 28.8 percent during from 1998 to 2007, and the study suggests this number is not slowing down any time soon. The reasons speculated for this are numerous, but one of the main reasons cited was binge drinking in women, especially college-age women, has risen substantially.
"Younger women feel more empowered, more equal to men," California Office of Traffic Safety employee Chris Cochran said, "[They] been beginning to exhibit the same uninhibited behaviors as men," according to an AP article about this recent trend.
Of course, often times the proper procedures are not followed when these arrests are made, which may add to this trend. In those cases, having a good Chicago DUI lawyer who understands the intricacies of Chicago's DUI laws and your rights as a citizen is of the utmost importance.
Always record what is happening during your arrest: Did the officer observe your behavior for 20 minutes before administering a Breathalyzer DUI test? Why was the car pulled over? Was it because of a LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) detector? The LIDAR detector is great for collecting topographical data for NOAA and NASA, but it is often contested in Chicago DUI courts as inaccurate, many cases even being dismissed because of it.
But in a city like Chicago, these charges and possible trampling of your rights can be avoided by using the many forms of public transportation offered.
The "L" The most obvious form of transportation is the Chicago Transit Authority's train system, known as the "L", is one of the safest ways to travel around the city. Since it goes to most areas, especially those where drinking is frequent, it is a very simple way to avoid faulty LIDAR detectors.
Buses Again, an obvious form of transportation, but an important one nonetheless. The CTA Web site offers detailed maps and schedules. But buses remain cheap, and you are offered two transfers for a quarter, if money is an issue. Not only will this allow you to avoid DUIs and needing a good Chicago DUI lawyer, it will be easy on the wallet.
Cabs If you don't fall on one of these lines, and walking isn't a good option, then a cab is the safest and cheapest way to travel. While cab fare is never fun, it certainly would be cheaper than a court case.
Safety Tips
Given the FBI study that female DUI arrests are on the rise, it is important to remember to be safe. While drinking, inhibitions and awareness are lower, so follow a few simple rules to keep yourself and your belongings safe.
Don't Walk on Empty Streets This may seem obvious, but it is often forgone for an easier route home. Even if it means a little more walking, it is important to remain on the busy streets around the city. Don't wander, especially after drinking, to an empty street. There is no point in making yourself vulnerable.
Power in Numbers It's an old cliché, but it's true: there is power in numbers. It is always best to surround yourself with other people. You are less likely to be accosted if you are not alone, so ask a friend to walk you home or split a cab.
Be Aware Always be aware. Simple as it sounds, remember to know where you are at all times and what is happening around you. Don't plug headphones in or keep your head down while typing out a text message. Being aware is the easiest way to avoid trouble.
But, always remember, if you do drive and are arrested, make sure you pay attention to the entire proceedings and record everything that happens. A good Chicago DUI lawyer will understand if your rights were trampled and will fight for you.
The Law Offices of James E. Fabbrini offers a Chicago DUI lawyer for anyone in need. Our Chicago DUI attorneys are here to help you protect your license and defend your reputation. If one or more of these situations apply to you, contact us today to begin fighting your DUI case.
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