It breaks my heart to hear of women being taken advantage of by deceitful men. I recently heard of a lonely woman who got involved with a younger man and was duped by him to take out a second mortgage on her home to "invest" in building a house (on land he owned) in Jamaica.
She was promised the two would live there together.
The only problem is the two were not married and she financed the majority of the construction of the home with him doing a little oversight during the building.
Once the home was built (which cost her $180,000 USD), the two broke up. When she asked her former boyfriend to sell the home or refund her money, he ignored her entirely and stopped returning her phone calls. Living in a foreign country, the lady had little recourse by law as she had no contract nor marital covenant.
Being in an entirely different country with no written contract whatsoever, this player preyed on this foolish woman who was seduced by her emotions and promises of love to invest her entire life's savings, children's inheritance and basically her entire estate in an ex-boyfriend's new Caribbean home (which she did not have any contractual interest nor a marital right to claim).
That was enough money to send everyone of her children and grandchildren to college. The woman never bought any of her children a car or house, but when some smooth talking player passed by ready to prey on her insecurity and emotional emptiness she opened up her entire bank account to be stolen right beneath her eye.
The moral of this sad story is don't do business ladies on love, because it may later turn out to be nothing more than momentary infatuation, lust and you losing big time at the hands of a smooth talker and player preying handsomely on you!
When the emotional flurry, butterflies and romance is gone you had better be sure you have not signed away your personal estate and financial investments.
Guard your heart and your purse when dating men. I don't care if you are in a "committed" relationship or not. I don't even care if you are engaged. Until you are legally married, you have no business living together, sharing a home, nor bank account.
If you have to finance a man's life - get rid of him asap! Tell him to get lost and to get a job. Don't invest in any man's dreams until you are married to him.
If you are so desperate and emotionally lonely that you are selling yourself (or rather paying / bribing guys to date and be with you), they are not worthy of you. They are purely playing you, making you no better than a pimp and the man the whore.
Get a grip and take a check up from the neck up. Listen to your Pastor, family and friends. The first sign of danger is when you "love him so much" and begin to feel "nobody else understands... we're in love" etc. that you isolate yourself and remove yourself from outside counsel and wisdom.
Nonsense! Wake up and get your head screwed on straight before you lose it all. - women's issues speaker and author of "Empowering & Liberating Women"; "Healthy Relationships" and "Breakthrough For a Broken Heart"
Paul F Davis is a worldwide speaker and author of 17 books who has touched 55 countries and 6 continents empowering women of all ages to overcome obstacles and live their dreams!
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