Women Issues Speaker - She Said "I'm Leaving You!" But As For Me I'm Happy As Can Be!

She said, "I am leaving you!" 
Yet this before I have heard. 
Again today this I did hear. 
However I somehow did not fear 
As a women issues speaker 
I've been down this road before 
Emotional frustration at the door 
Personal agony eating her within 
I being the closest person to blame 
Lest her illusions of grandeur end 
In less than futile fortune and fame 
Nevertheless me today she did disdain 
Bitter sweet is a double-minded dame 
Who seeks to strengthen her stature 
Inwardly pursue and ponder another game

Considering other options Tom, John and Ross 
Therefore I said, "Good. It is your loss!" 
Walking out the house, I went to workout 
Focusing my body and mind on being my best 
Not succumbing to her words of torment 
Refusing to be belittled by them in the least 
Remembering 3 billion women in the world need 
Encourage myself and my emotions I did feed 
Rather than being beguiled and caused to bleed 
By her vile mechanism of emotional manipulation 
I purposed to stand strong without hestitation 
After a good two-hour workout I happily went home 
To surprisingly find the grumpy girl long gone 
Replaced by a cheerful, nurturing and loving wife 
What happened to remove the turmoil and strife? 
This I know not, neither do I care to fully explore 
Yet this one thing I know, when complaining arose 
I got up with confidence and walked out the door. 
Determined to maintain my sanity and this for sure 
Therefore gents be troubled by her threats no more! 
Having done your best, pray that it's greatly blessed 
Then happily rejoice, live your life and forget the rest 
Neither be bothered by her PMS or foul moods swings 
Stand strong remembering within you possess everything 
Nor do you need a woman to affirm and validate you. 
This you can happily do alone and cultivate yourself. 
Happiness is an inside job which we must attend to 
Otherwise a woman can get beneath your skin eventually 
To belittle, betray, threaten, torment and manipulate you.
http://www.PaulFDavis.com worldwide motivational speaker and author of 17 life-changing books including "Poems That Propel The Planet"
info @ PaulFDavis.com
407-967-7553 - life coaching and speaking invitation calls only please
Paul speaks for Celebrity Cruises and has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors Business Daily, Oprah & Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance, and living your dreams. Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.

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